13th Doctor

1st Doctor Compliments Thirteenth Doctor

google.com, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 1st Doctor In this article from Radio times, David Bradley gives high praise of the in coming Thirteenth Doctor actress Jodie Whittaker. Bradley plays the 1st Doctor in the upcoming Christmas Special. He is not the first of the actors to play the Doctor to give praise for Whittaker. I am not totally familiar with Whittaker as an actress, so at this time I do not know how things are going to go. Bradley states that…

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Meet the New Cast of Doctor Who

Meet Well, well, well in this article from Radio Times, we meet the new cast members of Doctor Who. Now as far as to how good they are I cannot say. The three in the picture for me are virtually unknown. I for one have not seen these actors act. The four actors and actresses names are Bradley Walsh, Tosin Cole, Mandip Gill, and Sharon D. Clarke. With Doctor the cast of the show is what makes it great. There…

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New TARDIS: Will Jodie Whittaker Get One

New TARDIS A new TARDIS seems to come almost for every new Doctor, but that of course is not new. I really cannot say that it does take place for every incarnation, but it does change after a few years. My guess is that the producer and crew get tired of the old and feel like making it more modern. I say this because if ever notice when they do change the appearance it seems more technologically advanced. I can…

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Waiting: The Time Between the Ending and Christmas

Waiting Waiting is something I personally have a problem with when it comes to Doctor Who. I absolutely love seeing new stories. I personally do not care if the writing or anything else is good or bad, and I truly love the show and that really does not play a part. Over the years there has great, good, and bad stories. I remain a fan even after the show was cancelled in 1989. It seems since its return there are…

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Double: Could We See Both The Twelfth and First Doctor Regenerate

Double This is cool thought from Radio Times and a double regeneration can happen.(1) The cliffhanger at the end of The Doctor Falls may lead to that. I really do not know where they are or what is going on. Now, if the Doctor has traveled back to Mondas at the time of the story The Tenth Planet, then there is the possibility. You may think possibility of what. Well, think about it. In The Tenth Planet, the First Doctor,…

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Never: A Female May Not Have Ever Been Cast if Not For Moffat

Never My thought here is that if Steven Moffat does not change the Master into Missy, we will never see a female Doctor. There are many fans who are outraged by the gender change. And their being angry and upset is understood. I am fan and became a big fan growing up watching the Fourth Doctor. Then over the years, every Doctor before him and after are always males. The idea is that he is a Time Lord and not…

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Tease: The BBC Gives us a Small Glimpse of the Christmas Special

Tease What a tease we do get. We first get a cliffhanger at the end of episode 12 of season 10. Now we get a tease for the Christmas special. My first thoughts is that it is going to be interesting with what I saw. I cannot tell for sure, but it seems to be during World War II. Now I may be wrong, because I have before, but the man I see playing who I believe is Hitler. Now…

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Perspective: a Fans Thoughts on Jodie Whittaker being the Doctor

Fan Perspective The perspective of many of the Whovian universe seems to be split. Even though the idea of a female Doctor was tossed around for sometime, there are still some who do not like the choice. Although many are lifelong fans, many say they are not going to watch. I really see where they are coming from, after all they has always been a male Doctor. This makes many of them think that the Doctor is only to be…

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Reveal: Thirteenth Doctor Becomes Known After Wimbleton

Reveal The excitement among whovians grows as they find out the reveal of the thirteenth Doctor comes after Wimbleton final.(1) I personal do not like the reveal being before seeing the new face on the television. This idea of the BBC letting everyone know months in advance is wrong. I would rather not know and get a big surprise on Christmas night. We live in a world of got to know. As a result, the BBC lets everyone know a…

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The Guard: Changes are on the Way and I Can’t Wait!

Guard Changing of the guard for Doctor Who seems to be a regular thing. As I look back, there now has been thirteen different actors who are known as the Doctor. The show is iconic with 50 plus years of experience. There is change that takes place at least every seven to ten years of the production crew. Writers change as often as well, but no matter how much change we see the show continues. Changing of the guard is…

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