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Reunion: Movie About Doctor Who and Torchwood

google.com, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Reunion According to this article from Radio Times, there was a conversation about doing a reunion movie. Okay, you may ask about what? There is not any reason to beat around the bush. Doctor Who always hate to see characters leave the show, but love it, even more, when they come back for at least one more appearance. There were a lot of fans who hated to see Rose, Captain Jack, and the tenth Doctor leave.…

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Piper, Billie: Does She Return to Doctor Who

Piper Let’s start with saying there are many Rose Tyler fans in the world of Doctor Who. Billie Piper, in the beginning, was likable as Rose. Therefore she has a following. Those who are real fans want to see Rose return to Doctor Who. Well, according to this article, that may be in the works. Now, will this happen? Who knows? The article has several tweets from multiple sources but does it give a clear picture? At least to this…

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Tate and Tennant: The Tenth Doctor and Donna Return

Tate and Tennant Donna Noble fans there is good news. According to this article, Big Finish is making a new Tenth Doctor audiobook starring David Tennant as the Tenth Doctor and Catherine Tate as Donna Noble. There is also a bonus as well, Wilfred will also return. For some fans, Donna Noble left Doctor Who too soon. The way she works with the Doctor isn’t like anything fans see with Rose and Martha. The way Tate and Tennant play off each other is…

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Jacobi: Derek Jacobi is Returning to Doctor Who

Jacobi There is some good news for fans of the Master. In this article, there is news of Derek Jacobi returning to reprise the role of the War Master. What is going to happen, you may ask. Well, last year he came back to Doctor Who when he reprised his role as the Master in Doctor Who: The War Master – Volume One with Big Finish production. This set of audio books consist of four hour-long episodes. ‘Beneath the Viscoid’…

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Complete Series Collection – Doctor Who, DVD

I am trying to monetize my site and offering you Doctor Who items through affiliate marketing at no cost to you find out how click here. Doctor Who – The Complete Series Collection, DVD The complete series collection of Doctor Who seasons 1-10 is a dream come true for Doctor Who fans. It allows them to have every episode which aired from the start. I wish with everything in me that I can buy this collection sometime in the future.…

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Easter Egg: Connection Between the 50th and Twice

Easter Egg In this article from Radio Times by Huw Fullerton, there seems to be a connection with The Day of the Doctor and Peter Capaldi’s last episode. I do find this intriguing and never really noticed it. But apparently, this is not the only Easter Egg as he calls them, but will be the only one I touch on. I did not pay close enough attention while watching the 5o Anniversary Special and did not notice the roundels on…

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Why RTD Will Not Write Another Episode

Why? Fans of RTD may have dreams of him writing for Doctor Who again, but in this article, he reveals the reason why we won’t see another episode from him. Doctor Who fans are grateful for his persistence. He never quit lobbying the BBC until he received the go-ahead to bring Doctor Who back. So, I can see why fans who love his work would hope he will return to script writing for the show. Yes, it will be awesome to…

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Favorite Doctor: Jodie Admits Hers is Tennant

Favorite Doctor Every Whovian has a favorite Doctor. As a fan, there is going to be one we like and connect with more. In this article, Jodie Whittaker tells us hers. Then when I read it, I am not surprised by her choice. Whittaker admits that David Tennant is her favorite Doctor. Why is that a surprise? I don’t see any reason for it to be any other Doctor. They are the best of friends and have worked together on…

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New Energy: Chibnall hopes to Bring Some

New Energy Huw Fullerton of Radio Times tells us in this article about comments made by David Tennant about what Chris Chibnall is trying to do. As I read the article, I saw there is more change than I had anticipated. So, you know I begin to think about all of this. I am wondering if the new energy mentioned will be real or just smoke and mirrors. My hope is everything I hear and read turns out to be…

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Fascination: Companions and Their Love for the Doctor

Fascination Fans who watch Doctor Who can see that some of his companions fall in love with him. Their fascination with the Doctor does at times get to be too much. But it does not happen as often as fans think but it does take place from time to time. Sarah Jane As far as what one would call romantic interest, Sarah Jane is the first to come to mind. You cannot say that it was too much on her…

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