10th DOctor

Physical Characteristics of the Daleks What We Know

google.com, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Physical Characteristics   The Physical characteristics of the Daleks are not easy to miss. As a fan, you will know them without a doubt when they appear. After watching the show as long as I have the look of a Dalek is embedded in my mind. This very popular enemy of the Doctor is a one of kind alien, when Nation has the idea to make them they are a big hit. The creature inside the…

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David Tennant as the Tenth Doctor

Tenth Doctor The Tenth Doctor is from my perspective a long way from the First Doctor. When I say that, it is not just in the number of years between the time the show starts until the time the Tenth DOctor enters the picture. If you are fan of Doctor Who, you know that actors and actresses come and go. So, it not any surprise to see a new face from time to time. In 2005, Russell Davies is given…

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Cybermen: Cyborg Enemy Part 4 Spinoffs

Cybermen Spinoffs Now, Cybermen spinoffs are cool. Personally, I have not seen or read any of the books mentioned in the article I found the information. The Cybermen are not in motion pictures like the Daleks and it kind of makes you wonder about the popularity, right. Although, the BBC or any other production company has not made a Cybermen movie, does not any way take away from their popularity. Cybermen spinoffs are another way for fans to see and…

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Friend or Foe: The Master

The Master Since I did not begin watching Doctor Who from the beginning, I do not see the Master as he first appears. It is not until I am a teenager and I get to watch Jon Pertwee’s incarnation of the Doctor that I see his original form. As a result, the Master I see is the one which looks like a skeleton played by Peter Pratt.(1) I really like the fact that the show has another Time Lord as…

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Doctor Who: The Iconic Sci-fi TV Program

Doctor Who My favorite British television show, Doctor Who, is now fifty-three years old or will be on November 23rd of this year. I don’t think the people in BBC would have every believed that the show would make it that look. Consequently neither did the fans. I wasn’t even born when the program first airs, but because of it fandom and popularity it makes in the US. Now, where the people at BBC ever comes up with an alien…

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Creation of the Daleks from Doctor Who

Daleks Creation On the basis of what I have read and seen I want to just say a few things about these popular enemies of the Doctor. Creation of the Daleks comes in 1963.(1) What I find fascinating about the whole the thing is that the producer Verity Lambert pulls the trigger really early. After seeing the first serial An Unearthly Child, the Doctor and his crew are transported to planet of the Daleks. I personally can see and think…

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Conception of the TARDIS: What Happens

Conception As a fan of Doctor Who, the conception of the TARDIS is an interesting topic to discuss and even write about. What I will like to do is look at how the production team of the original serial chose to make the time machine/spaceship of the Doctor a TARDIS. Well, in the beginning of any television show there is brainstorming. As a result the production crew gets together and tries to decide how to give the Doctor a way…

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Moffat Continues Christmas Special Tradition

A Tradition Continues At this time, I can believe there is going to be another Christmas special from my favorite sci-fi television show. The classic series never did any of these and consequently as a viewer I did not think about seeing a new one every year. While the classic series is not up to doing these type of special episodes, it has become a yearly tradition with the revival of the show. In the article I read, I find…

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Daleks: Enemy of the Doctor Part 1

Daleks Where do I start on the Daleks, the first enemy of the Doctor. Doctor Who fans probably love and remember this enemy the most. The Daleks are not very complicated nor pretty, but they are a very big part of Doctor Who. They also are the first evil race the Doctor faces as well as his first enemy. They of course return to the show many more times. Early on in Doctor Who the fans do get to see…

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Who Stars That Are Seen Earlier

Who Stars That Are Seen Earlier When it comes to Doctor Who there are things which happen and you can say only on Doctor Who. Therefore, in the realm of television there are also other shows which at times do the same thing. In the case of actors/actresses seen earlier, Doctor Who does bring some of these back at a later date. While they may make a cameo appearance earlier, they come back as a main part of the show.…

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