
There are three separate stories within the fourteen episodes of The Trial of a Timelord. Therefore, a summary is necessary after the first four episodes. Everyone who watches season 23 sees the premise of the trial deals with the Doctors actions. The Valeyard is doing his best to frame the Doctor and make the High Council believe his getting involved in the events on Ravolox is behavior unbecoming a timelord.

Robert Holmes wrote a good story. The use of three separate places of action makes me return to see what will happen. The story is a good science fiction story. Maybe only Whovians will agree with me on this and then some Whovians may not.

The mixture of all three stories is well done and keeps the story moving along. Having the Doctor seem outside the circle on which planet they are on is a good ploy by Holmes. Of course, in the end, the Doctor’s and Peti’s suspicions prove true.

At this point in the trial we the viewers don’t know what is going on. There seems to be some suspicious activity, but confirming it is difficult. Some of this suspicion comes from the Doctor’s memory of the events. While others come from the Valeyard’s cutting of the Doctor with his speeches.

The events as shown by the Valeyard makes a semi-strong case that the Doctor has acted in a way not becoming a Timelord. The Valeyard plays it cool but at the same time get angry and yells at the Doctor. Which happens with the Doctor as well. The only difference is the inquisitor corrects the Doctor more because he is out of order in the courtroom.

Timelords are not to interfere in the daily lives of other races, but the Doctor has a knack to involve himself in the lives of other races especially if evil is present.

Well, in summary, the first four episodes are interesting leaving you wondering. Wondering what the Valeyard has next to prove the guilt of the Doctor on the charge of Behavior unbecoming a Timelord.
