

As I watch Extremis, and the story progress all I can think is strange. The show last night is a strange roller coaster of a ride. The show totally looks like reality and come find out it is only a dream like sequence. As the last story ends we find that the Doctor is blind and does not tell Bill. Nardol ask him why he hasn’t told Bill and he tells him he does not what Bill to worry about him.

I like the way the show progresses though. It is weird and strange, but it makes the story interesting. As I watch this story, Steven Moffats way having the story progress in a dream like manner. I actually thought that the sequences will Bill and Nardol in the projection room is real. Moffat fools me on that point. I love the way he goes back an forth between the possible execution of Missy and the present time. The use of the Pope is really interesting as well.

I kinda figured that the Doctor is not going to kill Missy. For all he knows, they are the last of the Time Lords. That being said he can’t kill her. But what he does is swears an oath to watch her for a thousand years. Here where it gets interesting, because this how we find out that she is in the vault. This also gives us the reason for being in the vault.

The one part I really love is when he tells the guy over the execution to check his name out in his little computer. The ones standing behind the Doctor runs off and then he finally leaves because of his record on the device.

The story ends in a way that tells me there is more to come. That in itself is not strange because Doctor Who is known for continuing stories over more than one episode. I can’t wait til next Saturday at 8 pm. Season 10 is getting interesting.