
Spoilers accompany this latest trailer for season 10 of Doctor Who. The trailer moves quickly through Season 10 and gives many different scenes from season 10. The trailer is the third that the BBC has released for season. This does seem to be a ploy to help the ratings for this years Doctor Who.

As with the other trailers, there are spoilers worth noticing. The BBC is showing the viewers only small pieces from the different episodes, but they do let you see what is going on. One I really like is the one where the Doctor and Bill meet the emoji robots. That is very cool and I love Bill’s reaction. This trailer along with the other ones seem to be raising my interest in season 10.

This trailer has part of the last trailer in it as well. The part of the other trailers I see. I really love. The Doctor is talking to some one and he says “Are you completely out of your mind?” And the Doctor answers as only he can. When he says “Yes,completely, but that’s not a recent thing.” How cool is it that not that long ago we never saw this much of the show before hand. As a result of the trailers, and other means, the BBC can promote the program to raise the excitement for the new season.

Spoilers are good when they are in the correct numbers. What I mean is as a viewer I want to know a little bit about what is going to happen, but not so much that it spoils the entire season or program. I can’t hardly wait for April 15, 2017 to get here, and I have seen enough with the three trailers to make me really excited. I don’t know about other whovians, but I would think they are as well.

The old school parts for the program will be awesome. There are to short moments on this trailer where we see this. One is where there is a Mondasian Cyberman and the other where Nardol catches the Fourth Doctors sonic screwdriver.

The excitement is building as we are now less than a month away from the final season for Steven Moffat and Peter Capaldi. My hope is that this season is as awesome and the pieces of the show we see in the trailers.