
As a fan, I find what Colin Baker did cool and sweet. According to this article by the Radio Times Staff, Baker signed a photoshopped photograph of him and Osgood. How great is it for a former Doctor to sign a picture, and tell you he wishes you were his companion? On the other hand, how does it make Nicola Bryant and Bonnie Langford feel, Peri and Mel respectively?

Okay, we all can see this great, but what does it mean for Whovians? I can see it may be a little disrespectful, but did Baker mean it that way. I am not in a position to say he did or didn’t. But what this may lead to is something Whovians desire.

Seeing the Sixth Doctor with anyone besides Peri or Mel for me seem strange, but he has done Big Finish audiobooks with other companions. Of course, the idea not as odd to those who possess and have listened to the Sixth Doctor’s audiobooks.

The article states, “fans love the idea of Osgood and the Sixth Doctor pairing up.” So, what does this mean? Will Big Finish choose to put these two together and give us some audiobooks with the Sixth Doctor and Osgood? Honestly, these two can be a great team. Fans like Osgood and Oliver did a great job when she was on the show. This team may well be one of the best if Big Finish chooses to pick it up.

Personally, the pairing of Baker and Oliver may be one of the best. I know Colin did not have much of a chance to shine as the Doctor. He was dealt a sorry bunch of cards after being cast. I mean the show goes on hiatus not long after he becomes the Doctor. That is just the beginning. There are other circumstances which cause stress for Baker as well as Whovians.

You know pairing Osgood and Baker will be something Big Finish will have to do for it to happen, but whether it will or not seems sketchy. I say this because Osgood is not in the Sixth Doctor’s time stream. Yeah, it may be nice for these two be Doctor and companion, but how do you explain it. Oh, sorry this is Doctor Who and science fiction.

In the end, this is a sweet and cool gesture by Colin Baker. There are many fans around the globe, who wish Baker signed a photoshopped picture of them with him. It would be cool to be the Sixth Doctor’s companion either way.
