
What fan doesn’t like to know the secrets of their favorite show? Well, in this article, Ben Allen shares a video and some facts about the final scene for Peter Capaldi. Steven Moffat and Rachel Talalay talk about the moments before shooting the final scene. The amazing part of the whole scene is they only had 20 minutes to shoot it.

Talalay wanted this regeneration episode to be grand. For this to happen it took Talalay and Capaldi working closely together. The secrets are not really secret. Who doesn’t know that the director and the actor must work together to do a great job?

Capaldi’s regeneration was “unspeakably stressful” and for them to pull it off as they did, required them to be unselfish. Therefore, you will get the greatest work from all parties. Without this, the scene falls through and isn’t all that good. The remarkable part is the fact they only have twenty minutes to do the scene. Which means they better not panic. For them to panic will not be good for the episode.

Now, fans may say is that all of the secrets? Well, yeah, but to be honest that is a lot. Talalay asking Capaldi what he is thinking may not seem like much, but in the end, it meant everything. Therefore, the final scene does not get filmed if they can’t work together. Surely you can imagine if one or the other wanted it their way and will not budge. Then you ask the question, “How will the go over now?” Do we get the same quality work? Of course not, how is that possible?

Moffat, Talalay, and Capaldi must be on the same page in order to pull off the scene. The amount of time to film is really small and there isn’t any room for error. Making the final scene grand as Talalay wishes will take a lot of effort. The fans should be thankful that neither Capaldi nor Talalay did not have the big head.

In conclusion, for the regeneration episode for Peter to be grand, he and Talalay had to work together. Therefore, the secrets to a great regeneration episode are for the actors and the production crew to work together and feeding off each other’s ideas. Wow, what a revelation?
