
A romance is not something fans expect between the Doctor and his companion. If you fall into the category of seeing the Doctor above loving relationships outside his race, you will love the news in this article. Watching Doctor who as long as I have, there always seems to be some attraction between the Doctor and his companions. Okay, everyone figures since he is a male, he will have some desire to have a romantic interest. That is true to some point but with the difference in ages as well as other issues, why would the Doctor have an interest in a companion.

As you watch each episode, viewers can see the attraction some of the companions have. Romance seems to be less of an issue in the classic version. Whereas, in the revived series one or two of the companions fall in love with the Doctor. To be honest, it seems the Doctor does as well. What we see though is something which for me and other maybe takes away from the show.

When I began watching Doctor Who, Sarah Jane was his companion. After several years and maturing and becoming a man. One can say she fell in love with the Doctor. The Doctor cared very much for Sarah Jane, but this aspect was never an issue. We don’t see an acknowledgment of this until Sarah meets Rose. Of course, that did not change anything. Sarah Jane will always love the Doctor.

We know the Doctor had a family, but the only member we meet before the present series is his granddaughter Susan. Of course, Steven Moffet creates River Song, and we find out he and she are husband and wife in his future.

The relationship between Rose and the Doctor for me does not work well. I personally like Rose before she becomes infatuated with the Doctor. She is a far better companion in the begin than when she leaves.

Now, River and the Doctor were great together. I love River Song and how Moffat wrote her into the storyline. When the Tenth Doctor meets her, she is his future. Of course, all Moffat did was wet our appetite for more River Song. He gives us an interesting character to follow for several seasons. Some fans including me would love to see River return, but this is very doubtful.

The idea of the Doctor not being more than friends with her new companions will be good for the show. Most watch it for the adventures, the monsters, and all the amazing things the Doctor does. Who wants to see a 1,200-year-old Time Lord have a romance with a 25-year-old companion?
