
According to this article from Radio Times, there was a conversation about doing a reunion movie. Okay, you may ask about what? There is not any reason to beat around the bush. Doctor Who always hate to see characters leave the show, but love it, even more, when they come back for at least one more appearance. There were a lot of fans who hated to see Rose, Captain Jack, and the tenth Doctor leave. So, wouldn’t it be great to do a movie and reunite the three?

Of course, it would, and most fans want to see it, but as the article points out, there some barriers. Well, they can find ways to get around those, or at least you would think they would. Now the article makes some suggested as to how to this. Here are the ways they believe it can happen.

A sequel

Doing a sequel for a reunion is an obvious choice. But the thing with this is will it be any good. Okay, don’t judge before it happens, but many time with movies the second film is not as good as the first. At the same time, there will be challenges because of the Doctor’s regenerating several times. But then again, he is a Time Lord and hops around time and space like a grasshopper.

Do another anniversary special

All right, ever one knows the 60th anniversary is nearing and figures they will have a special. The suggestion is to have the reunion as part of the special. There can be some excuses made to bring the three back together. It took place at least four times already int The Three Doctors, The Five Doctors, The Two Doctor’s, and in the Day of the Doctor. So, is not feasible? Yes, it is, but can be a struggle.


Could this be the best way? How about jumping back to a time when they are all roughly in the same place. Hey, this could be the best suggestion, but does it work?
Well, they were all in The Stolen Earth/ Journey’s End, so there could be an adventure with all three in and around that time.

The Parallel World

Here is a bit of a problem, but considering that Rose is there with the Doctor created from his hand, it could work. There is a way for the writers can find a way to make it work. Will they do it this way we don’t know. Bringing Rose back and the Half-Human Doctor seems a little wild, but hey may that is what is needed.

Or alternatively something completely non-canonical

Okay, in some way this could be the easiest way. And fans know Doctor Who does some weird things at times. So, will this take place? Who knows? Just because fan want it does not mean it will happen. But maybe someone will see it as a good idea, and it happens.
