Physical Characteristics


The Physical characteristics of the Daleks are not easy to miss. As a fan, you will know them without a doubt when they appear. After watching the show as long as I have the look of a Dalek is embedded in my mind. This very popular enemy of the Doctor is a one of kind alien, when Nation has the idea to make them they are a big hit.

The creature inside the tank like the shell is not seen for a long time. I guess that part of the Dalek did not exist until later, but I do not know so do quote me on that one. The tank-like shell looks very cumbersome and if you watch you can see that it hinders their movement in the early years. In the new series, the shells do not stop them because they can now fly. The bottom of the shell has little balls on it. These in some ways make them look like huge salt and pepper shakers. (1) The doom on top of the shell has an eyestalk to allow the Dalek to see its surroundings although I feel they do not have many peripheral views. These aliens can only see straight in front of them.

Along with the eyestalk each Dalek has a deadly gun mount sometimes the names of gunstick or death ray are used. (2)  The energy weapon inside the gun mount is deadly and it is best to not get the way of a Dalek. Next to the gun mount is what looks like a bathroom plunger. Now, how and why this home tool gets on the Dalek I really don’t know. The Daleks use this little tool for several different things. They can get information from computers, crush the head of a human, measure the intelligence of a subject, and extract information from a person’s mind. (3)

Another part of their physical characteristics is the lower half of the shell, which looks like a salt and pepper shakers. The mentioning of the balls. Now, I can’t give you any reason as to why these are on there. From what I read their use is for sensory perception and later is part of a self-destruct mechanism. The Daleks are very complex in nature. The Daleks do like to protect themselves and do so by a forcefield. Now, if I am a Dalek and have any intelligence at all I will protect myself.

The Daleks are not indestructible though. As with any enemy of the Daleks have a weak spot. Now, if you want to see a Dalek go nuts just blind him. Of course, I do not want to be around when you do. In his freaking out because he cannot see he may kill you. They basically lose control and fire their energy weapon continuously. Therefore, whoever did this is in as much or more danger.

Now, I can see the metal which composes the shell being something which relates to the Daleks as well. Of course with them being aliens the metal will be foreign to us as humans. The metal is given the name dalekanium in two shows. Therefore, meeting the requirements of being out of this world.  The metal is very strong and helps protect the creature inside.

Okay, you want to know about the mutant which lives in the salt and pepper shaker, right. Well, the alien inside is an ugly little blob. From what I see it is slimy like a snail or slug. It just kinda oozes out when you open the protective middle part of the shell. The source I read gives the description of an octopus-like creature. (4)  These little aliens are mean and do not care about anyone but themselves. They are out to conquer the universe and destroy all races they see as inferior to themselves.

The last thing which I can’t leave out is their catchphrase. Anyone and everyone who watches Doctor Who knows this one. Whenever they are on a rampage or killing spree they scream EXTERMINATE. I am not assuming that all people know this, but Doctor Who fans love it. The physical characteristics of the Daleks make them one of the most noticeable aliens and enemies from Doctor Who.

Physical Characteristics