
I can’t say that I have ever listen to a exiting actor who speaks about his leaving Doctor Who. But in the video on this post that is exactly what Peter does as well others working with him. This I can say is a great video for me because it shows the heart of Capaldi and Mark Gatiss. The small amount of commentary says it all.

I can say that I am saddened by the departure of Peter and I will miss the Twelfth Doctor as I miss all the others after they leave. What I do want to say is I wish Peter all the luck in the world as he moves on to new things. I know he is a great actor and will most certainly play other roles in his lifetime.

Peter Capaldi

Peter makes the statement, “It’s kind of odd really. It’s this strange situation where I don’t think that I will have a sense of ending until I have done what lies ahead of me. Which is another four weeks of filming.” This to me is a great attitude for the lead actor for Doctor Who. I can honestly say that I can see how people can fall in love with this man.

Later in the video clip he says, “There comes a time when it time and it is time and so it is okay for goodbye.” What I heard in this video just made me love this man even more than I did before. This is a great way for him to leave and I am so thankful that he was the Doctor.

Mark Gatiss

Gatiss says, “I think he has been magnificent. I think particularly this year has really kind of risen to a pinnacle this year which is really an awesome way to go.” Now, the statement about this year does much for me. I personally believe this is Capaldi’s best year.

This year with Bill is a great picture of what he can do as an actor. I like the other years but this year really stands out. I to believe it a fitting way for the Twelfth Doctor to go. With last year being his best, at least in my eyes it is the way to go. Others may not see it that way but everyone can have their own opinion.

The man show plays a soldier in the film speaks about something which I believe most Doctor Who fans already know. He says, “Peter is a great ambassador for Doctor Who.” This is something I have learned over the last few weeks. It is an honor to have such a man play the lead role of one of the most iconic television shows in history.

Being selfish, I do not think it is time for Peter to go, but he feels it is time. I know I live in America and at the time I began to watch Doctor Who. I did not receive much news except through LPB and so I was always way behind in getting any thing about the show. In the early 1980s the shows popularity in America may not have been that great. So, we were late getting stories and changes in the program.

Peter takes his leaving rather good and as I said before I wish him the best. For me and all other whovians it time to move on to the next Doctor. Since Peter’s is regenerating in just two days.

