Second Doctor

Second Doctor

Personally, I cannot understand the mess that the producers of Doctor Who see in 1966 in picking the Second Doctor. There is a need to replace the First Doctor, WIlliam Hartnell, but there can’t be someone like him in any way. There is a need for them to find someone that the viewers will trust and actually view. They knew for the show to continue it has to be a versatile actor who the people will love. What surprises me is that they went on the advice of William Hartnell himself. Hartnell approves of Patrick Troughton to be the Second Doctor and as they say it is all history.

Innes lloyd is the producer of Doctor Who at the time and this is a very difficult task for him. I am sure there are a number of actors to consider when casting the man for the role. Therefore, he needs to look closely and deeply as he looks to fill the role of the Second Doctor. I mention that Hartnell approves of the choice and actually comments on the choice. He says, “There’s only one man in England who can take over, and that’s Patrick Troughton”.(1) Not being born yet, I did not even know this is the case, but Hartnell knew who would be the best to replace him. As a result, Lloyd takes his advice and cast Patrick Troughton as the Second Doctor.

Troughton knew of course that his character as the Second Doctor must be different from that of First Doctor. Therefore, he puts much thought into it. I am not an actor, but you figure that a new face means a new personality, right. Personally, I really do not know what I will do if I am asked to assume this role. Apparently it is the choice of the actor to choose the style and personality of his Doctor. Which is cool and I am all for in this case. I just don’t see how to devise the personality. It is very difficult and then acting the part out will be hard as well.

Hartnell brings an amiable-yet-tetchy patriarch to the role and Lloyd doesn’t want that for the Second Doctor. Troughton mulls over several different personality styles. One of them was that of “tough sea captain”. I really can’t imagine the Doctor in blackface and a turban. That just does not fit the character, but he settles on a “cosmic hobo”.(2) This personality is a suggestion of Sydney Newman. Personally I am glad that he chooses cosmic hobo and not a tough sea captain. The latter may not have went over as well.

One thing which I love about the show is that the show the face of the Doctor at the beginning of the show. Well, Troughton is the first one to see at the beginning of the program.(3) This is a great tool for the producers, because it show the audience who the Doctor is before the episodes starts.

Watching the Two Doctors where the Second Doctor and Sixth Doctor work together is where I get my first glimpse of Troughton as the Second Doctor. He does seem a little strange but also appears to be a little bit of a goof and hobo, but in the end gets the job done. He appears easy to defeat but that is only to fool those who are facing him.