Past Doctors

Past Doctors

Speculation began when Peter Capaldi tells the world he is leaving Doctor Who after this year’s Christmas Special. Now even past doctors are getting in on the act. David Tennant and Paul McGann have made their choice for the next Doctor.

I realize that twenty or thirty years ago what David Tennant suggest is not a possibility. But in this day I can see it taking place. All we have to do is look at what Steven Moffat does with the Master. Why Moffat chose to change the Master to Missy, I do not know. I don’t have anything against having a female Master or Doctor. It just really seems strange, but why should it.

Since the announcement two past Doctors said who they thought would be good for Doctor Who. One of them is David Tennant, the Tenth Doctor. The lady he suggests is someone he is working with or has worked. Tennant in an interview on Radio 4 says the Olivia Colman is the perfect person for the job. Now, I don’t watch Broadchurch so I don’t know too much about her. But I trust Tennant’s judgment. I mean he is the Tenth Doctor and should know the show right.

The Eighth Doctor Paul McGann also makes a suggestion as well. His choice for the next Doctor is Tilda Swinton. Yet again, I have not seen any of her work as an actress. I don’t even know who she is. As far as Doctor Who goes, I don’t know much about McGann either. I know this is strange since I am such a huge fan of Doctor Who. Thinking about this though I will trust McGann’s choice and say she may be good.

The past Doctors may not have any pull in  convincing Chibnall into casting either of these women as the Doctor. Therefore we can take it for what it is speculation. Now, Tennant did make the comment: “If the two of them have been having top secret discussions behind my back I will be furious.”(1)

Now, as far who is going to be the next Doctor is all speculation at this time. I believe the BBC won’t announce who he or she is until after the Christmas Special, but I could be wrong. They are going to be keeping it close to the vest. The BBC wants it to be a big surprise whenever it happens. WHo knows what is going though the mind of Chibnall as he begins to think about who to cast. They may be already having screen test. I do not know, but Moffat thinks allot of Chibnall so lets just see what happens.