Part 7

Part 7 begins as King Yrcanos, Peri, and Dorf attack the Doctor and the guard escorting him to Crozier’s laboratory. The Doctor is deep into what he calls a play during a break in the actions on Thoros Beta. The reactions of the Doctor and the Valeyard are perfect.

The Doctor memory of the events seems to be returning, but there is a problem. The does not recall them happening as they do on the Matrix. So, the Doctor believes something is wrong. But the Inquisitor and the Valeyard continue to state the Matrix cannot lie. The Inquisitor asks the Doctor if he wishes to stop the trial or accept a court-appointed attorney, but the Doctor refuses both.

As this episode progresses, it some interesting things which happen. The fact the Doctor abandons Peri and helps Crozier is interesting in the least. One must wonder if everything is alright with the Doctor or did he receive brain damage from the electricity which flooded his brain. The does make the point that his actions were a ploy.

The events do not play out the way anyone would expect. Crozier does transplant Kiv’s brain into another body which the Doctor helps to save when Kiv goes into cardiac arrest. The Doctor seems to be too involved in the events. His involvement does in some way does seem to be behavior unbecoming a Timelord.

The Valeyard tells the Doctor his presence and actions are the reason for the outcome they are watching. The Doctor’s meddling is why things were the way they were, but one must wonder how Doctor is responsible for what we see.

What we see is not like the Doctor, and he does not recall the events as presented. So, what conclusion can we have? If you have not seen the whole story, you may believe the Doctor is guilty. If what we see is true, then the Doctor is guilty.

As you watch this episode, the evidence is very persuasive. But as a fan, you know something is wrong. The Doctor’s reactions and the fact his memory is returning makes you doubt what you see. The Doctor also makes the statement he would not harm Peri. But you have to wait for the remaining episodes to see if what happens at the end of Part 7 is true or not.

The one thing about the way Part 7 as with all the previous episodes. There is a cliffhanger to bring you back the next week. Your curiosity brings you back each week to see how the Valeyard will try to manipulate the evidence and the Timelords.

Part 7