Part 6

The previous episode ends with Crozier placing the helmet from his brain machine on the Doctor. Crozier does so after being asked by Sil if it can be used to extract the truth from the Doctor. At the being of part 6, we see the Doctor act as if he has brain damage.

As a viewer, I begin to believe the evidence of the Valeyard has been made up. The amount of time since the Timelords removed him from his time stream is sufficient that there should not be any amnesia. The Doctors reactions are great and performed very well by Colin Baker. The rest of the cast do a  marvelous job as well.

The events in part 6 seem to be more condemning than any of the previous ones viewed. The Valeyard does a better job in trying to prove the actions of the Doctor are unbecoming of a Timelord. The Doctor’s actions are like those of the man we know. As we go from the matrix screen to the courtroom, the Doctor explains his actions are a ploy to infiltrate the enemy camp.

The actions of the Doctor are the exact opposite of what we know. He discovers Peri in the party of slaves serving the mentors and himself and exposes her. At this point, they capture her and allow the Doctor to interrogate her. But before this, he helps Crozier fix the machine he will use to transfer Kiv’s consciousness to another body.

This episode has many interruptions by the Doctor and the Valeyard. The Doctor does not remember things as the Matrix shows them but the Valeyard and inquisitor stress, the matrix cannot lie. At the same time, the Valeyard brings up the reason why the Doctor is on trial. The fact he involves himself and meddles in the affairs of Thorou Beta.

Well, what I begin to believe is that the Valeyard has changed some of the events in the Matrix. The Doctor’s reaction to what he sees on the screen makes me wonder whether the events happen the way we see them.

In everything going on with this episode, I can’t forget to meant Brian Blessed work as King Yarconas. His part brings action and makes things very interesting. His portrayal of King Yarcanos is remarkable.

During all of this, King Yarcanos believes the Doctor is a traitor and deserves to die. So, we leave part 6 with the Doctor facing King Yarcanos with a weapon ready to kill him.

Part 6