One Week

Next Sunday, one week from today, is one of the most highly anticipated premieres in the history of Doctor Who. Therefore, fans are getting ready with hopes of Jodie and crew killing it on the screen. Everyone who read this may want to check out this article to get a glimpse of what will happen.

Okay, most of the information fans receive now is much better than in the last six months or so. A tight-lipped BBC began within the last week or so to give fans more of what they want. They have shown us a small piece of the action from like the moment the Doctor meets Yasmine and Ryan. Fans can see how discombobulated she is and will most likely get a good laugh out of it.

Things change with every new Doctor. What the fans receive from them differs according to their personality and accent. With Peter Capaldi, the fans saw a gray-haired Scot. Which Jodie’s Doctor while talking to Yasmine and Ryan says, “I was just a gray-haired Scotsman.” What is funny about that is she later says she is looking for the Doctor.

What the short clip shows is what we see with all the Doctors after regenerating. There is a time where he/she must go through a healing process to become stable. The instability is different with each regeneration. Therefore, what fans see is vastly different or can be vastly different.

As one looks back over the history of Doctor Who, the most violent regeneration is Colin Baker’s, and this one is not nearly like that one. But neither was any of the others. Baker’s regeneration episode was during a time of a more violent Doctor. Which did not fit well with the man running the BBC?

Some of the little things the BBC released the last week or so makes the excitement greater. Now, all the fans are waiting on is the actual premiere on October 7th. Which can’t get here fast enough?

one week