No Anxiety

No Anxiety, these are powerful words from the Doctor to his granddaughter, Susan. I find these are words many Whovians may need to consider. Many of us are worried about what is going to happen now that there is a whole new team running Doctor Who and add the fact the Doctor is now female. Anxiety seems to be running high, or at least with some fans.

Okay, there may be some exaggeration, but there is some anxiety with any change in the Doctor and team who produce the show. I can say I am not as knowledgeable as other Whovians and I get bashed when I wrote a blog post with my opinion. They say it is not good, but you know what I don’t care what you think. I am writing about something happening with Doctor Who and giving my opinion on what is taking place. So, yeah it may not be worthy of publishing in a magazine, but it is my opinion on that event.

Now, can I say that I have no anxiety about the changes? Honestly, I am worried to some point because of my lack of knowledge of Jodie Whittaker and the new showrunner Chris Chibnall. Whovians like me will have anxiety when there are so many changes in a short time. Those of us who have very little knowledge of the new cast and production team may have even more anxiety. Anxiety and worry are part of our lives, so yes we will worry and have anxiety with unknown outcomes.

I can see worry and anxiety with the changes, but never thought I would see the dislike of the change I have seen. I became a fan when I was nine. So, yes all I have seen are male Doctors, and never thought I would see a gender change. It was a surprise, but I am not mad about it. It is change and change is what keeps Doctor Who fresh for new generations. Some will leave without giving Jodie and Chris a chance, but I am going to wait and see. Since none of us know what is going to happen, we need this kind of attitude.

I can I say there is no anxiety? Of course not, but I am looking forward to Season 11 and waiting to see how the changes affect the show. My hope is all the changes benefit Doctor Who and revives the show.

no anxiety