
My thought here is that if Steven Moffat does not change the Master into Missy, we will never see a female Doctor. There are many fans who are outraged by the gender change. And their being angry and upset is understood. I am fan and became a big fan growing up watching the Fourth Doctor. Then over the years, every Doctor before him and after are always males. The idea is that he is a Time Lord and not a Time Lady. This is something which as a fan you believe will never change.

Well, after watching a video on how the other actors view having a female to play the Doctor. There are somethings which stand out. Because of these words and what they say, it makes me realize many different things. Let’s take what Patrick Troughton has to say. He is very right when he says he is an alien and totally different from us. He states that there may be more than two genders on Galiffrey. Hey, he may be right and because of this why do we get mad and throw our little fits. He is an alien who regenerates and changes faces ever so often.

From my experience of watching the show, some or maybe most Time Lords can control their regeneration. We know the Doctor is not able to and he never knows what he is going to get. I love the way Matt Smith does it in his phone call to Clara. He asks her if he is old. Then he says I am old aren’t I.

This idea of a female Doctor is a small part of the show. As long as who they choose is a great actor or actress it will work. Please don’t judge anything until you have a chance to try it. You never know what you have or what you will get.
