Major changes

Major Changes

Major changes to Doctor Who may be on there way.(1) This is something I found out yesterday while scrolling through my news feed on Facebook. Now, I will say personally this may not be something I will like. Myself along with other fans have grown accustom to the present Doctor, Peter Capaldi. I also like him as the Doctor, as a result I ask the question why.

Before answering the question, I want to delve into some of the things the article says. Now, the bosses orders must be followed so whatever we think really does not matter. It is rather strange that they wish to change the face of the Doctor and not allow Pearl Mackie continue as the companion. I have not seen Mackie yet and cannot give my own take on her as the Doctor’s companion. Another thing I will say is that everyone else along with myself have not really been able to get use to Capaldi as the Doctor. Of course, that is my opinion for what it is worth.

I like the things Moffat did with Capaldi and bringing his personality to the show. The sonic sunglasses was awesome. Then his rudeness and absolutely being mean to Clara and the his rocker side when he places the guitar.

Apparently the biggest reason for the major changes is the fact that sales of Doctor Who merchandise is lacking.The merchandise they mention is dolls, DVDs, and toys.(2) The BBC bosses are blaming the lack of sales on the fact that Capaldi is an older man. Now, the article does not come right out and say that but if you read between the lines that is what you can gather.

What does not make much sense either is that they want to go back to the format when David Tennant is the Doctor. Now, I do realize that Tennant is one of the most liked Doctors of the show. The shake-up is going to mean a return to the way the show is run during his time as the Doctor. Therefore as the article says there will be a dashing male lead and young female companion. Personally I love David Tennant as the Doctor and certainly wish he is still the Doctor. But what I have to ask is how do you know the changes are going to increase sales.

Another reason for this seems to be that they wish for more popularity with kids. Now, I can see in some way how a younger Doctor might increase popularity among kids. But I also seem to remember in the early days of Doctor Who. William Hartnell is no spring chicken and the BBC does not force him out. His leaving the show is more due to health reasons. I can also remember a tv show here by the name of Captain Kangaroo. The gentleman portraying the lead is an older gentleman.

Alrighty then, don’t let this new get to you. We do still have season 10 where Capaldi remains the Doctor and Pearl Mackie is Bill. The major changes will not come until 2018. Therefore let’s just wait for the new season and once it begins enjoy what is on our screens. I do know that sales and popularity across every age group is important to all television shows. If the BBC bosses want major changes then they will make them. Doctor Who fans want the show to continue and if the changes are not made it may be cancelled. This is simply out of the question for me.

The cancellation of the longest tv show ever is out of the question for me and many other Doctor Who fans. So basically I am all for the major changes if it keeps the show on the air.