
Okay, please don’t get too excited about the return of Jones, Martha to be exact. Yeah, Martha has fans just like other fans, and it is always a sad time when a fan favorite leaves Doctor Who. But thanks to Big Finish fans will be able to see or listen to stories with Martha in them. Some fans liked her for her being different from Rose. And fans are excited to hear about the return of former characters. It is great to see Big Finish produce audiobooks starring Doctors and companions from another time.

According to this article, Gwen Cooper shows up at her door with a dead body in tow. Now, as a fan and understanding how the Doctor grows on you, how can you not follow your friend when she shows up with a dead body. That is what happens. Do you think you would not want to find out what happened? Of course not and neither does Marth Jones. The time she spent with the Doctor, and her curiosity makes her follow her friend. The new audiobook will allow fans to hear Martha again.

Big Finish does not know how many copies of the audiobook will sell, but fans will buy the book so they can hear the voice of Martha one last time. Of course, seeing a companion leave or Doctor for that matter hurts fans. But those changes are what keeps the show fresh?

So, yes Martha is returning to Torchwood in a story which sounds interesting. Alright a simple question for you the reader, if you are in Martha shoes what do you do? The answer may differ from one person to the next, but maybe not. Those who have a sense of adventure will go no questions asked, but others won’t. So, how do answer that? Do you love a challenge or do you back up when something like this comes your way?


Freema Agyeman