Hugh Grant

Okay, there are some who already know this so yeah it will not be new news. But according to this article, Hugh Grant was offered the job of the Ninth Doctor by RTD. What a surprise to at least me. I should do more research to give more knowledge.

What a surprise I get when I see a youtube video about how RTD first offered Hugh Grant the part of the Doctor. Of course, if Hugh does not turn RTD down Doctor Who has a different look. How this would change the program one can only imagine. The thing is after you watch one actor as the Doctor and then receive new information, there is not any way to picture it. As fans, we see the one who plays the part and figures no one else can.

I know that Grant is English and has every right to play the part that Eccleston did, but how different would the show be if Grant does not turn RTD down. Grant is a great actor in his own right and has been in some big movies in America. I am having trouble wrapping my head around the idea of Grant being the Doctor.

I have to ask at least one question and maybe two. The first is would Grant be wearing the same outfit or something different. Fans know Eccleston for the leather jacket. So, does Grant wear the same leather jacket? Along with every other piece of the outfit Eccleston wore.

The second question is would Grant have the same catchphrase or catchword? We all know Eccleston for everything being fantastic. And personally, it suits him very well. I don’t know if I can see Grant saying fantastic for something he finds grand or great.

If Hugh Grant accepts the role of the Ninth Doctor, things are going to be different from what we have. I don’t know that I want that. Eccleston did a fantastic job as the Ninth Doctor. Seeing Grant as the Doctor does not work for me. At this point, I am glad Grant did not take the role.

Hugh Grant