Is Doctor Who an Obsession?

From my stand point and my life I can say for me that Doctor Who does become an obsession. I am one of those people who cannot get enough of this iconic television program. If I really had enough time in the day I would watch it 24/7. Now, you personally might say well that is impossible. And you are right! Everyone on this earth has other obligation and therefore the possibility of watching television will not happen.

So, how is Doctor Who an obsession for me. Well, the real obsession begins when I am nine or ten years old. I had never seen the program until I see first aired on Louisiana Public Television. Now, I am not the only one who will tell this story. I am sure others in the United States who start the same way. Consequently, Doctor Who viewership grew during that time.

Now, obsession for Doctor Who does go farther than just simply viewing the show. So, as far as this point goes I can say I that I don’t have an obsession with Doctor Who, but this to me is not the only thing which shows a person as having an obsession for the show. Okay, you may want ot know what I am talking about. Some people actual go as far as dressing up like their favorite Doctor, favorite companion, or even favorite enemy. He, that is cool with me but I do not do that. Does that mean I do not obsession.

Well, you say yes that is the number one requirement to have an obsession. Personally I beg to differ. I am not into dressing up as a character from the show, but I am just as obsessed as the next person. Being obsessed also means getting butterflies when it is time for a new story to air. I can also say the fact that I wish to write blog post about the show is a indicator I have an obsession. I personally want to know all there is about the show.  The desire to own all the neat and cool items you find on amazon is one. There ma be many more and we may need a booklet to help diagnose an obsession.

Hey, I certainly hope some one writes a book. That will be neat and I will be the first one to buy it. The obsession for any show begins at some point and it can become an addiction. I certainly hate the fact Doctor Who was taken off the air in 1989. I was looking for someone to bring back my favorite sci-fi show and they did. It makes me happy and joyful that the BBC listen to Russell T Davies.  Doctor Who  is a great program and is making history every time it airs.