
Fans who watch Doctor Who can see that some of his companions fall in love with him. Their fascination with the Doctor does at times get to be too much. But it does not happen as often as fans think but it does take place from time to time.

Sarah Jane

As far as what one would call romantic interest, Sarah Jane is the first to come to mind. You cannot say that it was too much on her part or the Doctor’s. There at times seems to be a mutual affection, but the realization they can never be together.

There seems to be some mutual affection, but the Doctor knows they cannot be together. On the other hand, Sarah Jane doesn’t understand. Yes, the Doctor cared about Sarah Jane a lot, but not in the same way as she loved him.

Then during David Tennant’s reign as the Doctor, Russel T Davies brings Sarah Jane back. During one of the episodes, there is a conversation between the Doctor and Sarah Jane where she tells the Doctor she waited on him. But he never returned.

Sarah Jane is the first to come to mind when it comes to having a fascination with the Doctor. But she will not be the last. There will be others with one being the worst.

Rose Tyler

Rose is the first companion of the revived series. Now, whether Davies intended to have Rose fall in love with the Doctor as deeply as she does is unclear. For me, at times this love gets in the way. You can tell the Doctor cares for Rose and at times you even believe he may love her.

Rose’s fascination with the Doctor is such that Davies creates and half-human Doctor. And at the end of The End of Time, we see Rose and the half-human Doctor going back into the alternate universe. That makes Rose happy. She finally gets her man even though it is not the real Doctor.  He is just like the Doctor except he is half-human. The tells Rose he is like me except he will age and die.


Martha was only with the Doctor for one season, but as you watch her, you can tell she is fascinated with the Doctor. There are times you hear her say things that make you think she loves the Doctor. Not being very familiar with her it hard to say how much fascination she has for the Doctor.

But it does seem that she is but maybe not as much as Rose. You can also tell the Doctor does not have the same feeling for Martha as he did Rose. Whether Davies realized the amount of affection Rose had for the Doctor was too much or not, is also unclear. He may have seen that and choose not have Martha and the Doctor to end up like Rose and the Doctor.

Martha may have loved the Doctor as much as Rose, but the Doctor did not show as much affection for Martha as he did for Rose. But in the end with the Doctor, it is always the same he does not want to get involved with humans because they grow old and die.

Amy Pond

Okay, you are wondering why I am writing about her. Well, because I believe she had a fascination with the Doctor, but not in a romantic way. When watching them together, you can see the Doctor loves her, but not as a spouse or significant other. To me, it is more like a father.

Then when it comes to Amy, she looks at him like a father. Now, some of you may think differently, but the Doctor seems more like a father than a spouse. The love Amy sow the Doctor is not the same as the love she shows Rory. Although are times Rory questions that love, but she always reassures him of her love for him.

In conclusion, yeah there are probably more than these three who are fascinated with the Doctor. The ones in this post seem to have more love for the Doctor than other companions.
