Doctor's wife

The Doctor’s Wife

The Doctor’s Wife, River Song, burst on the scene in Silence in the Library. The Doctor at the time only finds out that she is from his future.  She is a character from the mind of Steven Moffat which became a very interesting part of Doctor Who. As a result, she returns for another fifteen episodes. Therefore she sees the Tenth, Eleventh, and Twelfth Doctors.

She is a character that I grew fond of over the last few years. I truly like the way that Moffet uses her in the program. He introducers her in a very subtle way in the two part story “Silence in the Library”/ “Forest of the Dead”. She is best known for her diary and catchphrase “spoilers”. We never get a look at what is in the diary because it tells a future story of the Doctor and River. That story unfolds in a manner which keeps the Whovian coming back for more. Moffat uses River Song in such a way that we want to see her more often than we do.

The idea of her leaving and never returning makes me sad. Why they will not bring the Doctor’s Wife back I cannot tell you. I know in the “Husbands of River Song”, she and the Doctor say goodbye, but could that be the end. The point here is that that is Moffat’s end for River Song. One he wants to write some ten years earlier.

I read that Moffat does not necessarily believe that that is her last appearance. He is leaving the show and she is his creation, but it does not mean someone else won’t bring her back. She is first person we see the Doctor marry. Of course, you figure he has a wife some time or another because in the original series, his granddaughter Susan is with him. Now, I am not saying that River is Susan’s grandmother, but you never know.

I personally believe that River is good for the show. She is very interesting and there seems to ba allot we do not know. It is a little like the Doctor. She is as much of a mystery as he is. We learn much about her during the years when Matt Smith plays the Eleventh Doctor, but not everything. What we see in Doctor Who is Moffat’s past for her, but another writer could add his own story for River.

Who knows? I certainly don’t and really don’t want to speculate as to what will happen.  My hope is that the video above is not the last appearance of River in Doctor Who. I would love to another writer pick it up and go with it. That honestly could go a long way with many fans. Especially the ones who love her.