Easter Egg

In this article from Radio Times by Huw Fullerton, there seems to be a connection with The Day of the Doctor and Peter Capaldi’s last episode. I do find this intriguing and never really noticed it. But apparently, this is not the only Easter Egg as he calls them, but will be the only one I touch on.

I did not pay close enough attention while watching the 5o Anniversary Special and did not notice the roundels on the walls of the museum. But in the picture attached to this post, it is clear they are there. The article makes the point these were created to match those of Tom Baker’s era as the Doctor. And for the production team to add them, there was a lot of work to be done.

Now, working with the new era TARDIS and the classic era TARDIS on one episode did pose a problem. The original series used photographs instead of actual walls, which according to the article will not stand up to modern television cameras. Well, I can say the way they solve the problem was brilliant. They fixed it by creating roundels like those from the 70’s and 80’s. I applaud their work and think what they did was amazing even though I did not notice it.

I love the fact the production team honored Baker by doing this. Baker was my first Doctor and will always be one of my favorites. What he brought to Doctor Who was amazing. The production team did a great job by adding roundels to The Day of the Doctor and then placing the Easter Egg in Twice Upon a Time.

After reading the article, I am going to go back and watch both episodes again and to see if I can find these additions to the scenes in the episodes. Boy, sometimes I wish I paid closer attention to what is happens while watching the episodes. I usually catch everything, but this time I missed something.

Easter Egg