
Ok, I have your attention now, right. Ok, you may be thinking, I did not think the Doctor needs a spacesuit. Well, you are wrong! I know he is an alien, but he is from a planet where the people require oxygen to survive. Therefore, a space suit is necessary. So, don’t feel bad about not knowing about spacesuits and Doctor Who because the first knowledge I have is of the one wore by the impossible astronaut.

For the most part the show has the Doctor on a planet which has an atmosphere and oxygen for the Doctor and crew to survive. Therefore the use of spacesuits is foreign. Well, may not so foreign as we think.

Classic Series

The Second Doctor has a trip to the moon and as you the moon can’t support life as we know it. Well, I don’t think the Doctor is going let his companions to walk out of the moonbase without protection. Well, he doesn’t and the spacesuit is introduced to the Doctor Who fans. Jamie and Vorac don’t walk on the surface of the moon. At least that is what I gather. They more have to face the time winds in the show, so they require protection from them. (1)

But see, a spacesuit is not all that foreign to Doctor Who, and really shouldn’t be. The imaginations of the writers and producers take the Doctor to planets with similar atmospheres to that of Earth’s. So why have spacesuits, right. Well, the Doctor is in a spaceship and travels through both space and time, so why not. Hey, if he leaves the TARDIS without one he may die. Well, at least that is my thought. Whoa, just one minute. Yeah, I know you ask me about the new series and the eleventh Doctor and Amy out in space. Ok let me finish the classic series and I will get to that, ok.

The spacesuit returns to the chow during the years of the Sixth Doctor. Now, the episode here is audio, and I never heard the story but my source says spacesuit returns and the Doctor wears it. Hey, whatever you need accomplish your task. The Doctor is not human but needs oxygen to survive.

Revived Series

Now, the new series seems more like one to show the DOctors humanness. He cannot walk on the moon or any other planet with a spacesuit. This is where the orange spacesuit is introduced. The events that lead to the Doctor taking possession of the orange spacesuit are pretty clear. He faces a being which looks allot like the Devil in Satan’s pit and he wears this spacesuit. This particular episode and the one before it proves the Doctor humanity. I don’t believe I have ever seen him outside of the TARDIS without a spacesuit in space, oh yeah I have but not now. The Tenth Doctor brings us the orange spacesuit and guess what. It is here to stay.

IDoctor, how are you going to walk across Mars to help the people on Bowie Base. Well, how dumb was I to ask that question. Of course he is bringing the orange spacesuit out of storage. He knows his limitations and that if he is going to do this job , it requires a spacesuit. So, the doctor dons this ugly spacesuit and takes car of business as usual.

Hey I know there are other places we see a spacesuit in the new series but I believe you get the point. I mean the Eleventh Doctor, and Twelfth Doctor wear it as well as Clara. But I know. Lucy, you have some splaining to do. Ok, yeah I mention the times that the Doctor and Amy are outside the TARDIS with a spacesuit. Well, from what I gather the reason they can do that is because of the TARDIS forcefield. Now you can check out for yourself but I believe I am right.


The Tenth Doctor in slightly different spacewear