Doctor Who

My favorite British television show, Doctor Who, is now fifty-three years old or will be on November 23rd of this year. I don’t think the people in BBC would have every believed that the show would make it that look. Consequently neither did the fans.

I wasn’t even born when the program first airs, but because of it fandom and popularity it makes in the US. Now, where the people at BBC ever comes up with an alien race called Time Lords I will never know, but from the response of the viewers it is right. While Doctor Who is still going other shows which I like from Britain are not. One of those is Are You Being Served, while this show last 12 years it still isn’t Doctor Who.

In the program, we know the main character as the Doctor. For some reason that is the only name which we are ever given. I suppose it is because he is mysterious and the people around him are to know who he is. There is a place in the revived series that someone actually knows his real name, but she never says it out loud. This she is River Song. The mystery of the Doctor makes for a great story and helps keep the show alive.

THe idea of space travel has been done before, but with adding time travel it gives the show a different dimension. I will have to do some research to see what shows has both space and time travel. I maybe wrong, but I think this one is the only one in 1963.

When I see Doctor Who for teh first time I do not know what a Police Box is. After a few episodes I am in love with the show. I seem to always make time to watch it after school during the week.

What i really did not like is when they stopped showing the stories on Louisiana Public Broadcasting (LPB). It was like a parent taking away a child’s favorite toy. Because of this there is allot of stories I did not see.

The classic series ran from November 23, 1963 to some time in 1989. I was very sad when this happens. My favorite Science fiction television show is off the air. Therefore, I can’t see new episodes readily. ANother thing which makes me sad is that of the lost episodes. I can’t believe that the BBC did this. This little act causes the viewing of some of the first episodes with William Hartnell, Patrick Troughton and I believe Jon Pertwee. I am fairly familiar with Pertwee, because he less missing episode.

There is excitement for me when I hear there is a  Doctor Who movie. They make it in 1996 and I will eventually see it. Then almost 10 year later Russell T Davies get the BBC to let him make the show again. When I find this out I am happy again. Watching the new series is not a problem.

Doctor Who is such a great show and I wish it will remain on for as long as I am alive. That may not be possible but I can wish for it. The Doctor and his TARDIS are iconic figures of BBC and they have many fans who will hurt from it cancellation. Amazingly, the showrunner keeps the stories coming.

The show is so strong that it has many spinoffs. Like Torchwood, The Sarah JAne Adventures, K-9 and friends and the upcoming show Class.(1) How amazing and  great is that.  Look there so much to write about and research. I hope to get as much about this show as possible to the readers.