
In this article, Huw Fullerton says, “the BBC gives us a description of our new Doctor in a press release.” As fans, we are looking for anything and everything new for the upcoming season. We all are on the edge of our seats as we wait to see our new Doctor.

Most Doctor Who fans can hardly wait for Season 11. We all know the airing of the new season is not going to happen until the fall. Which makes most if not all of them angry. We want the season now and not later. We fans can be very fickle. People in the world today are looking for satisfaction like right now. Then the fact Doctor Who has been pushed back the last two years to the fall makes things worse.

The BBC saw ratings decline over the last few years and have done their best to promote Doctor Who to the fullest. They know there is a big following for the show and want the show to bigger than life. Therefore they make a press release like this one. For those fans who want to complain these are not what you want. You try to find something wrong with the articles and then any other post about this just because you have an opinion.

Well. this fan hopes for an exciting new season in the fall. I want lots of action, adventure, and fun. The Doctor needs to go to new planets and discover new races. Then we also want the return of our favorite old enemies as well. The new crew is in for a big surprise when they enter the TARDIS for the first time.

The fans want to know about the 13th Doctor and the BBC wishes to give them what they want. So, what do they do? They release this little exert to get the attention of the fans. But then sometimes the releases make some fans mad. Yeah, that is right. Some fans get mad about these and say stupid things. But for me, the new information does help me and other fans to see what is coming.

Well, this description does give us some picture our new Doctor. This release is in connection with a BBC Worldwide showcase in Liverpool later this month. From this description, the fans will love the new Doctor. The BBC says, “She is a ‘super-smart force of nature’ whose stories will be ‘full of action and adventure, humor and thrills'”(1)

The hope of fans is that Season 11 lives up to the BBC’s press release. We all want Doctor Who, but what we want more than anything is great adventures and production. The BBC wants ratings to rise and they hope their choice of showrunner does that. The fans who know about Chris Chibnall may already know what to expect and others who don’t might want to watch Broadchurch or one of the Doctor Who stories he wrote.

The BBC thinks enough of him to ask him to be the showrunner, but some fans may not like him and figure he is not the right guy for the job. Personally, my opinion does not really matter and it will not be completely accurate. I do know that I like Dinosaurs on a Spaceship. That is most likely not enough information for me to make any kind of judgment on his work as a showrunner. So, yeah there is a need to watch other work by him.

In conclusion, Season 11 is supposed to be like a rebirth of Doctor Who. Fans hope for things to be as good or better than Season 10, which to me was Capaldi’s best. Good luck to Chibnall and his crew along with the cast of characters who are part of season 11.
