Daleks Other Appearances

Other appearances of the Daleks is new to me. As a fan, I thought that the television version of Doctor Who is the only vehicle by which fan can see them. Well, I am wrong. As a reader, you may wonder as well why I am wrong. The research I did to see what I could find out about the Daleks led me new information for me.

The Daleks are a big part of British pop culture and has since their introduction in 1963.(1) With this popularity the only thing the creative minds and owners of the ideas can do is to let them appear in other places. Therefore making themselves more money and the BBC more money, right. So, what I do as the creator and owner of the Dalek rights. I give whoever wished to market them and use them the okay. Well that is exactly what happens.

The first thing I notice when reading the article on them is that there is two Doctor Who Movies with Peter Cushing as the Doctor. In the movies the Daleks are the main enemy of the Doctor. What a great way to market the Daleks. This is a way that is seen in today’s culture. Sometimes it happens in the opposite direction then again we could see it the other way as well. Consequently, you have Star Trek as a television show which hollywood makes into a movie as one example. Another example is the movie the Odd Couple being made into a hit sitcom. These two are examples. I am sure there are others. These are the first two which come to mind.

Of course, they do not make the movies anything like the television series and I personally do not know why. But because it is Doctor Who, I will watch them if I get the chance.

Other Appearances: Books/novels

A second other appearance is books and novels. To me this is kinda weird. Why I say this is because to go from a television show to a novel just doesn’t compute. That may just be because I do not think of writing in the way marketers of materials do. The books and novels can give the fan a different avenue to see the Daleks and may be give them more episodes of the Daleks they love.

Not being much of a reader means I probably won’t ever read the books or even look for them. Some fans who are readers, would love this. They can pick that book up to read about their favorite Doctor Who foe in the pages of the novels and books published. Because the marketer figure this is a great way to get the Daleks into pop culture even faster they publish book starting in the 1960s. These are The Dalek BookThe Dalek World, and The Dalek Outer Space Book. (2)

In the 1970s, there are four annuals published by World Distributors. Then several other novels were published from 1997 and 1998. Then of course they are not going to forget to write novels with Tenth Doctor in them.

Other Appearances: Comic Strips

How cool is that the Daleks are in comic strips. Hey, if you want to reach the children draw a comic strip. Well, they did I see it as an awesome thing. I say why not? They are in everything else. They have been on television, on stage, in books, in movies and now in comics. These may be great, but I cannot tell you too much about them because I have not seen or read them Maybe one day I can.

This popular foe of the Doctor has made lots of money for Terry Nation and the BBC. I can see why the Doctor can never kill them for good. Hey production team, keep bringing them back for the fans.