
The Cybermen are an enemy that does not seem to die. That is so much like the Daleks. The Doctor defeats them and believes he will not see them again. Well, he is usually wrong. And to be truthful, if I think that I am wrong. The Doctor can’t rid the universe of the cybernetic marvels. Hey, that is what they are cybernetic marvels.

I personally believe the man who creates these guys is a genius. I don’t know about you be for me that is where I stand on the matter. There also has to be some imagination in the creation of such an enemy for the Doctor. My hats off to the creator of the Cybermen.

These guys have been around since the fourth season of the classic series. The were first seen in the serial The Tenth Planet. Of course, this isn’t the only first in the episode. I will get to that latter and most likely in another post.

Who are they?

Ok, I am going to be a little dumb her, I never knew Earth had a twin. Really, come on, but for the sake of the show. The Cybermen were once human in form. They are from the planet Mondas where they lived, married, and had children they raise. But somewhere along their life’s road, things will change. Their lives are not long enough and probably not good enough. The description is like something out of Star Wars, LOL. You know where they replace much of Aniken Skywalker and basically make him a robot.

Well, because they love life so much they begin to practice self-preservation. Now, I know we have artificial arms and legs, but what they do goes beyond just replacing an arm or a leg. The conversion is a complete move from organic to cybernetic. Therefore there are consequences for going metallic.

A once lively race with emotions and feelings become cold and calculating robots. Yeah, they live long because they can replace their parts as the wear out, but to me that is not living. I mean, they can not be husbands and wives. There is not any pitter patter of little feet because you cannot have children anymore. By replacing all you parts with artificial one leads to what I do not call life. These guys become conquerors and want to rule over the whole universe. Well, that is not going to happen. The universe and Earth have a protector and his name is the Doctor.

I know that the Doctor at times has to be thinking not these guys again. Every time he finds them trying to rule the universe. No matter how many times the Doctor kills them they always come back and give writers something good to write about.


When thinking about the enemies of the Doctor and their conception. The Daleks took a little work in the thought process to conceive. Well, I can say the Cybermen are at the same level. For a person to conceive these guys had to be in deep thought. An unofficial scientific advisor to Doctor Who is the one responsible for their creation. Dr. Kit pedler is the man that gets the recognized as the man responsible for the idea and creation this Cybermen. He and Gerry Davis create them in 1966, and as I said early, they make their first appearance in “The Tenth Planet”.(1)
