
I decided to go back and watch Season 1 again. But did not know what I would find when I sat down to do so. I admit that I had only watched it one time and did not think much of Christopher Eccleston as the Doctor. After watching the first six episodes of Season 1, I can say that I have changed my mind about Eccleston.

Many Whovians see him a good or even great Doctor, but for some reason, I did not view him that way. To give a reason for this seems rather hard. At this point, the only one I can think of here is that I did not pay enough attention to him.

As any Whovian, I have expectations of what I wish to see from an actor who plays the Doctor. I don’t know if they are too high or not, but they do have a bearing on what I think. Another thing which I noticed when I begin watching Season 1 again is I was more into the stories and paying more attention to Eccleston.

I can say now that Eccleston is a great actor. In the first six episodes, Eccleston has shown his ability to display different emotions. He has been angry, happy, and even sad. His facial expressions are tremendous, and I love his demeanor.

To be honest, I can say that I was too quick to judge him. Every fan will have an opinion. And for me after my first run through Season 1, I did not like Eccleston very much, but my second run through just the six episodes has changed my mind.

In conclusion, as a fan who loves to watch Doctor Who. I do not need to be too quick to judge someone. I need to take my time. Then pay close attention to what is going on the television screen because sometimes there is something good taking place.
