Historical Events

Historical Events 2: The Doctor’s Presence

google.com, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Historical Events 2 Historical events 2 contains one more story where the Doctor appears in historical settings. The show at this time is to be an educational program so this is very good.  With Doctor who being a kid’s show that is what one expects. The writers are trying to teach the viewers, who are children about different parts of history. In this post I will write about one more historical event which the Doctor just…

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The Doctor’s Presence in Historical Events Part 1

The Doctor’s Presence in Historical events I watch Doctor Who and I am amazed at the historical events where he ends up. And after seeing the program, it seems like he has a hand in the events. He either has a chance to change the events or stop the events from being changed. So, of course I know all these stories are made up for the entertainment of the viewers and that the Doctor really did not have anything to…

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