
Reveal: Thirteenth Doctor Becomes Known After Wimbleton, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Reveal The excitement among whovians grows as they find out the reveal of the thirteenth Doctor comes after Wimbleton final.(1) I personal do not like the reveal being before seeing the new face on the television. This idea of the BBC letting everyone know months in advance is wrong. I would rather not know and get a big surprise on Christmas night. We live in a world of got to know. As a result, the BBC…

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The Doctor Never Really Wants to Die and Change

Die To die and change is something which comes more often than the Doctor wishes.  The change of the Doctor is part of the alien race which he is associated. The Timelords are an alien race which receives a cycle of life with 12 regenerations. As a result, they can have 13 incarnations. Because of this they have 13 different faces. The change comes whenever a Timelord’s present body is worn out or dies. Death can come in many different…

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Rumors Are That the New Doctor Has Been Cast

Rumors Everyone in the Whovian universe is on the edge of there seat waiting the news of who is the new Doctor. Rumors have been circulating for awhile now and speculation is high. There are many different names out there who come up when the media talk about the next Doctor. With the popularity of the show and the iconic history as well, I know there are always going to be rumors. The Radio Times has an article which tells…

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For the Love of Doctor Who: What There is for Loving the Doctor!

Loving the Doctor Loving the Doctor for me is not hard. I have been a sci-fi fan for as long as I can remember. As a result, when I first see Doctor Who, I fall in love with the show. I know that I am only 9 or 10 years of age when I catch it for the first time. But this does not stop me from loving the Doctor from the beginning. When I begin watching the program, Tom…

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Big Finish to release more Fourth Doctor Audio books

Here is announcement which I personally love. Big Finish is producing more Fourth Doctor audio books. What great news for not only me but for other whovians. With the way this show changes Doctors, this is a pleasant surprise. Truly, I can look forward to possibly owning these. Because I miss the Fourth Doctor this give me a way to at least hear him again. The use of the Fourth Doctor does point to his popularity with whovians around the…

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The Best Doctor of the Last Fifty Years

Best Doctor Ok, I realize this post is a little different from any of the others. But I do want you to know, articles are present about this subject. Of course, this is only on fan’s opinion. So, take it for what it is. I mention on my original post about the show that I have been a fan since I was nine years old. Since it has been so many years and I personally watched every Doctor, I really…

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David Tennant as the Tenth Doctor

Tenth Doctor The Tenth Doctor is from my perspective a long way from the First Doctor. When I say that, it is not just in the number of years between the time the show starts until the time the Tenth DOctor enters the picture. If you are fan of Doctor Who, you know that actors and actresses come and go. So, it not any surprise to see a new face from time to time. In 2005, Russell Davies is given…

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