
According to this article by Ellie Harrison on Radio Times, the new Doctor Who series is getting rave reviews. Russell T Davies says there is a buzz from those close to show are saying it is brilliant! (1) You know this is great and is what the BBC along with all those associated with Doctor Who wants fans to hear. The will never tell you they things are not going well, which will cause a panic.

Is there any truth to what we are reading? Yeah, there very well be a lot of truth. Everything seems to be like roses and if this is true. What we get October will be amazing. But maybe we should hold back our excitement until the new Season airs. That is the best route to take. I don’t want to get my hopes too high because I don’t want a letdown. Some may say it is what is, but sometimes that is not true.

The buzz about season 11 will continue. Honestly, I don’t see anything coming out which pegs the show as anything less than brilliant or great. The producers and BBC would not want that. Their hope is by revamping and making the changes will raise the ratings.

The hope of most fans is they will get a brilliant season. We want a great show every time. What everyone needs to realize is that there is going to be both good and bad shows.

I hope all the articles and all the publicity pans out. For me, I am ready for something different. I like the work of Steven Moffat, but new and different sound good. I want to give Jodie and Chris a chance and see what they have to offer. Yeah, hearing good things about what is going on is good, but let me and other fans be the final judge. Whatever they are doing, if it is good and the fans like it. The ratings will go up, and the fans will be happy.
