Biggest Change

Over the 55 years of Doctor Who, fans have seen 12 different actors portray their hero the Doctor. Season 11 introduces the 13th person to play the Doctor. This article makes a case for Season 11 has the biggest change.

Those who have been fans since either the 60’s, 70’s or 80’s saw changes on a regular basis. The first change was when Barbara and Ian left. Their moving on started something which helped Doctor Who become what it is today. History does not say them moving on is the reason they replace William Hartnell.  But the fact the companions changed may have partially helped the showrunner to make the change.

The change at the time was a big deal. Fans of Doctor Who did not know what to expect from the Doctor. They were just happy their show would be on television for a little while longer. These fans remember the changes when Patrick Troughton left the show. For the times, those changes were huge. Stranding the Doctor on Earth changed everything, but what they did with the show was tremendous. They shot some really good episodes with Jon Pertwee as the Doctor. Some would say those changes were possibly the biggest at one time.

Of course, there are changes with every Doctor. Each person who plays the title role has a different personality and different mannerisms. Which fans can see as they watch? At least it is something to ponder as fans watch.

For the most part, the casting and production remained the same. There wasn’t any thinking outside the box. Which means the only choice for the Doctor was a man? Although, there was a rumor John Nathan-Turner was close to having a female Doctor in the 1980’s.

After saying that, Jodie Whittaker and Mandip Gill never thought they would land such roles. Mostly because of the history of casting for Doctors and other characters, Honestly, their thoughts are probably universal.

Anyone who is a fan can’t see this happening, and would not believe a female or someone like Gill would get such roles. The changes the fans see on Doctor Who are the biggest ever because of being deeper. The changes are from top to bottom. Yeah, there are changes all over.

The changes seem normal. But when you look deeper, there is more to them. Yeah, one deals with Whittaker being the first female Doctor, but there is more. The companions being multiracial adds to the bigness of the changes. From there the fans are getting a new TARDIS, okay maybe not that important but it needs mentioning.

Maybe you don’t agree yet. Well, let’s dig a little deeper. The article mentions there are two women writers, two people of color writing. That is not all two of the directors are women, and one of them is of color.

All the change the BBC made with Doctor Who this year makes a good case for the year of the biggest change ever. Some may not agree, but the evidence is in the article, and in the post.

biggest change