Best Doctor

Now, there are many Doctor Who fans who do not like the fact Chris Chibnall cast the first female Doctor. Some of those fans will probably not watch any more. Well, these same fans watched Christopher Eccleston as the Ninth Doctor and might want to listen to what he says. Huw Fullerton tells us in this article that Eccleston says, “Jodie Whittaker will be the Best Doctor.”(1)

If you recall, he is not the only one who believes Chris Chibnall cast the right person. David Tennant, Matt Smith, as well as David Bradley, did the same. The fact that she is a female does not mean that she will not be a great Doctor, and we need not pass judgment until we see the finished product.

Those fans who have watched Whittaker in other roles know more about her than I do. Some of them say she is going to be good, but others don’t believe she can handle it. Personally, this fan will take neither side. I have not seen her in action.

To say she will be the best Doctor is a strong statement. Eccleston maybe just be saying that or may believe with all his heart. Of course, the fact he is an actor gives him credibility along with him being the Ninth Doctor.

Well, passing judgment is not something any of us need to do at this point. If you want to stop watching the show because of Whittaker, that is your prerogative. Everyone has their opinion, and I am not trying to change it. Whittaker may flop and then she may not. Who is to say?

In conclusion, every Whovian has a favorite Doctor, and everyone watches the show for different reasons. We are all unique which make us who we are. Then everyone has reasons why they don’t like or love the choice of Whittaker as the Doctor. But hey that is you, and will not change the fact at least one former Doctor thinks Whittaker will be the Best Doctor.

best Doctor