
After reading this article by Huw Fullerton, some fans may be very annoyed. Okay, you may be wondering why I start the post like this. Fans of the show saw the people in the episode The Doctor’s Daughter created a clone of the Doctor. Well, assuming because he is a Time Lord, the clone did not look like him, but rather the machine made a female version. Therefore, the clone was considered his daughter.

Those who watched the episode saw at the end that she flies off into space. Well for some fans that thought was that she was going to return at a later date. Logically that is what fans were thinking at the time. This fan was one of those and has been waiting for her return since 2008.

Well, everyone knows she has not returned to the show, and some may wonder why? Well, fans get ready to be annoyed as Georgia Tennant, Jenny, was when she finds out what happened. According to the article, Russell T Davies just killed her by flying her spaceship into a moon. That is a conclusion that fans do not want to hear. They see the birth of a new character who can return for more adventures. Therefore, they will be annoyed if she dies.

Why this information has been held back for this long is uncertain. Davies may be the only until to know what happened to Jenny. Which for most fans is wrong. We want to know these things so why are they withheld. Fans, in general, would have been mad at the time if they knew that Jenny died. We all know she died on the episode, but came back to life and jumped into the spaceship and flew off to go on her way to do whatever she wanted. Or at least that is what we thought.

In conclusion, yeah Davies tells us she dies which annoyed Georgia and probably fans, but the good thing is that Big Finish is reviving her. They are releasing a new audiobook set with her in it. How great is that? Fans can get more of the Doctor’s Daughter. All they need to wait for them to be released.
