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Wrapped up: Season 11 FIlming is in the Books, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Wrapped Up

To some extent, I am glad filming of Season 11 has wrapped up. Or at least that is the word from Ben Allen in this article. And there is still not much information on Season 11. Yeah, they finish shooting but have only give us a little slice of the pie.

From other articles, Whovians see some details of the next incarnation of our favorite character, the Doctor. But this idea of having to wait is for the birds. I hate the fact the BBC is keeping so much under wraps. Okay, I am a little glad, but it has been too long since the Christmas Special. I am a fan who does want to know anything about new develops before seeing them on the screen, but this waiting is killing me.

It seems as if the BBC has delayed the premiere of episodes of I know the last two seasons and maybe more than that. For died hard fans, this is not acceptable. Yeah, I know we don’t have any control over when Doctor Who will air. So, why should we get our panties in a wad when the change the premiere dates, or if they tell us the filming of a season is wrapped up?

All I have to say about that is we are human and are not very patient. I try my best to be patient, but there are times when I am not patient. As far as other fans, I can’t speak for them. But I am sure there are some who hate waiting for the new season. I am glad they have wrapped up filing because that means we are not very far from having Doctor Who on the television.

My guess is since there are so many changes this year with Doctor Who, the BBC is for once being stingy on releasing news of the new season. This time they are doing what I expect. And this time I want more. That is funny right. Well, you can laugh or not, but it isn’t funny. I along with other Whovians are ready for Season 11 today.


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