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Who Stars That Are Seen Earlier, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Who Stars That Are Seen Earlier

When it comes to Doctor Who there are things which happen and you can say only on Doctor Who. Therefore, in the realm of television there are also other shows which at times do the same thing. In the case of actors/actresses seen earlier, Doctor Who does bring some of these back at a later date. While they may make a cameo appearance earlier, they come back as a main part of the show. Sometimes as a companion and then maybe as the main character the Doctor. You may thinking how that go. Well, from what I have seen over the years it goes very well. The ones in the list I found in the news are very well known and do a very good job as the main character or the companion.

How many times this actually takes place I personally can’t tell you because I haven’t seen every episode. But there are six the article mentions, and I would like to give my view of these.

Lalla Ward

In the 1970s while Tom Baker is the Doctor, the producer and casting director saw Ms Ward. As part of the Key to Time series makes her debut as Princess Astra. I remember watching this episode as a teenager and at the time thought see did a great job in the role. Then not really understanding regeneration so much, I get a surprise when Romana just out of nowhere changes into the body of Princess Astra. Ok, she did not just take the body of Princess Astra. She simply looks like Princess Astra. Lalla is seen earlier and this something which the showrunners to come will repeat later.

I by no means know if this the first time this happens or not. I haven’t watch the classic series enough to know this. Therefore, it will not be a surprise if there are others before this one. You can try and go back see if there any others, and I may sooner or later do that for myself.

2. Colin Baker

My man, Colin Baker is seen earlier. Colin for me plays a great Doctor and because of the showrunner and outside circumstances his time as the Doctor is too short. While Peter Davidson is the Doctor, the showrunner casts Colin as a Gallifreyan commander in Chancellery Guard. He is the one who transports the Fifth Doctor to the High Council. I do not remember a whole lot about the episode, but I do know is that the High Council send him to intercept the Doctor once he arrives on Gallifrey. The job he does as Maxil gains him respect with the showrunner and eventually he becomes the Sixth Doctor.

What I see in this is that he performance caught the eye of the showrunner and he believes that he will be a great Doctor. Therefore just a year or two later, the showrunner casts him as the main character of Doctor Who. The showrunner makes a great choice but then sabotages the Doctor Who career of Colin Baker.

3. Freema Agyeman

Martha Jones is seen earlier, except the is not Martha Jones. Ok, Freema to me at times is Martha. She is in the third series as the Doctor’s companion and Freema is the actress who plays her. Well, Freema had a role in a Cybermen story. The showrunner casts her to play Adeola Oshodi, and because of her excellent acting her guess what? They later cast as Martha Jones. Yes, I did, I called her Martha Jones. If I was to see her in real life, there is a possibility that I will say Hey, Martha Jones. This is how I remember her in the show. I do remember seeing her in Army of Ghost, but not vividly enough to call her Adeola. I am not trying to funny here, but I am sure Martha Jones plays other roles. Thank you Freema for your work on Doctor Who.

4. Karen Gillian

I mean seriously. From the picture the original article uses, I can’t tell that is Karen. But, she is seen earlier in the Fires of Pompeii. She is one to soothsayers in the sisterhood trying to take over the earth.

5. Peter Capaldi

From the Doctor saving him from the eruption of Mount Vesuvius to the Doctor. As the marble merchant, Caecillius, in the Fires of Pompeii he impresses me and Steven Moffat and because of his great work becomes the Doctor. Wow, you might say in looking at this one. I have to kinda laugh at this one because what happens is that the Doctor rescues him from the eruption then lands as the Doctor, no pun intended. Of course, the eleventh Doctor did not pick his face when he regenerates but it is like he does. But, once again an actor impresses Steven Moffat or showrunner and he brings an actor seen earlier to a starring role in Doctor Who.

6. Jenna Coleman

Oh, man the impossible girl arrives but not as Clara Oswald. Coleman is seen earlier as a Dalek. She makes her debut a human which the Daleks make into one of them. Oswin thinks she is human the whole show right up to the end. She plays an instrumental role in the destruction of the Dalek Asylum. The thing I remember is that the Dalek trying to condition her to follow there way of life. The fact she resists is a complement to her strength of character. In the end though, she helps the Doctor and his companions to destroy the Asylum and wipes the Doctor from the memory of the Daleks.

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