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WIll Torchwood Return to the BBC, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Torchwood’s Return

Ok, I run across an article today that reported that John Barrowman said that Steven Moffat is blocking a return of Torchwood. Torchwood’s return can be good for the BBC and then maybe it won’t be good. First of all, I have only watched one or tow episodes of the show and like what I saw. Secondly, I brings me joy to see any Doctor Who spinoff to be in the news except when it is negative. While watching the show my thoughts are that they should do more of these. But the BBC stops making them. I guess the reason is because they wasn’t good enough viewership. I maybe wrong and then that could be right.

Now, I believe that Torchwood begins before Steven Moffat becomes the showrunner for Doctor Who. I believe I am correct. Torchwood begins during the Tenth Doctor’s reign. I am not sure of when Moffat begins as the showrunner for Doctor Who, but from his lips he says the show is not his. I do know that Sherlock is his, and love Sherlock I will let you know. But Torchwood is not. He did not come up with the idea for Torchwood and he did not start the show either.

From my understanding with this spinoff of Doctor Who and any other television show in Britain. You have to be the creator of the show to stop a show from being run. So, how is Moffat stopping Torchwood’s return. To me it sounds like Barrowman has a beef with Moffat outside of Torchwood. Now, I may be wrong and that is a possibility.

I don’t understand if a show is good and doing well for the creator, why the creator will stop it from coming back. I do not know the situation. Barrowman may not been working and needs the money. Or maybe Moffat has did something to make him mad. Moffat does not have right or even control over TOrchwood’s return. Moffat makes the statement that he has no more control over Torchwood’s return than Barrowman has over Sherlock, Moffat’s show.(1)  

John Barrowman seems to be lashing out at Moffat for no reason. I don’t know but that is what I see. I will love to see the return of Torchwood, but go after the right people when making claims about stopping a show. Barrowman should know that Torchwood is not Moffat’s. Having starred on the show for what I guessing is four ears. Then being there from the start, Barrowman should know who was the creator of the show. The BBC, the creator, and maybe the showrunner have the power to stop Torchwood’s return. Try going somewhere else and placing the blame on someone else when it comes to this.

Besides all of that, Moffat refutes this claim on more than one occasion. There are several articles to read about this. So, come one John, and try to find the true source of the blocking of Torchwood’s return.

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