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The Timeless Child: What Does it Mean?, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

The Timeless Child

What does the timeless child denote? Why did Chibnall even bring this up at the end of Spyfall episode 2? These are just two of many questions fans are most likely asking. The Master tells the Doctor he is the one who destroys Gallifrey. Is he capable of such an act? Of course, anyone who knows and understands him knows he would. Well, this article from ScreenRant tries to give us an explanation of the timeless child.

A Mystery

Fans of Doctor Who will say it is a mystery and a secret. One might even conclude it is interesting. Well, it does raise questions and makes things interesting as Doctor Who moves forward. Some fans may ask the question where does this begin or who thought of it? Well, that is an idea for another blog post.

Fans first see this idea in Season 11 during the Ghost Monument episode. The Doctor needs to banish the Remnants from her mind through shame and disgust. Some will ask why didn’t the concept become more prevalent? It seems it was an Easter egg for another time. It seems the idea was left behind until the Master mentions it to the Doctor at the end of Spyfall.

Have the Timelords hidden a great deception in their ancient history? Does this have anything to do with their regeneration and time travel? Is it something planted deep inside their minds which only reveals itself during a traumatic event? Well, many fans remember Russell Davies bringing back the Master and the concept of the drumming in his mind. One has to wonder if there is a connection between the two?

A script editor from the 1980s, Andrew Cartmell, felt decades of explaining away the Timelords taken away their mystery and fascination. So, what does he do? He begins to plant ideas about how the TimeLords were dominated by three demigods, Rassilon, Omega, and the Other. With the Doctor being the Other of the trio. (1) Whether it has anything to do with that is not clear, but what one can conclude from this? Who knows where it is going, but if you don’t watch every episode you will miss something important.



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