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Doctor Who and the New Doctor: Odds Now are Placing Tilda Swinton as Leader, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Tilda Swinton

Wow, Tilda Swinton gets the best odds to be the next Doctor.(1) Alright, these odds makers did not take anytime in saying the next Doctor is going to be a female. They must feel very strongly about this. This comes as no surprise though. I say this because Steven Moffat changes the Master’s gender and now everyone is expecting the same for the Doctor.

I know there some other things which  we see with other Doctors that  And I remember one of them being ginger. David Tennant’s incarnation asks Rose if he is ginger. then says, “I always wanted to be ginger.” Whether we see a ginger Doctor is yet to be seen, but a female Doctor is even more possible at this time. Now, I don’t believe that a female is something that the classic series ever thought about. As a result of recent changes, there is a real possibility of a female being cast as the next Doctor.

I personally do not much about Swinton. So, I really cannot speak as to whether she will do a good or great job as the Doctor. The thing that gets me is that not that long ago, a female will be out of the question for the Doctor. Moffat’s idea to change genders with the Master is really what brings us to this. I really do not have any problem with the idea, but this is a change for me as well as other Whovians I am sure.

Here some of the comments from tweeter:

Kenny Farquharson


Tilda Swinton as Doctor Who? That would be amazing.(2)

Simon Burman @symbosimbo

@NME I would definitely start watching it again.(3)

Phil @phildjm

@NME I can certainly see her in the Tardis. Something different and I’d be happy with that.(4)

The comments are similar and seem positive. I admit it is a change and it maybe good for the show. From much of what I see the ratings are down and then merchandise sales are as well. I can also see where the BBC will go with this because they are desiring change. They also want better ratings and sales.

I like Peter Capaldi as the Doctor, but most of hs stories revolve around Clara, and I believe that hurt the show. I also believe that that may be a reason for him walking away. With me not being Capaldi so I can’t be sure of that. The one thing I do know is that the show will be different seeing a female as the Doctor.

Now, whether Chris Chibnall casts a female as the Doctor remains to be seen. It will be one of his first important acts. He must chose wisely or it can hurt the show. I love Doctor Who, but as of late the shows are rather complicated and companion focused. The program is Doctor Who and should focus on the Doctor and not the companion. As a result of moffat leaving, I can wait to see the direction of the show.

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