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The Doctor Can Choose to Settle Down, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Settle Down

I can say I know a little bit about the Doctor and Doctor Who. Then I read an article on a forum which gives five time the he could have chosen to settle down. I seem to remember a couple of them and really to extent remember them all. These is one of them I particularly remember very well. Therefore that is the one I wish to write about.

The point at which I begin watching Doctor is during the fourth incarnation of our favorite alien. By this time, the Doctor is back to his old ways and travelling throughout the universe in the TARDIS. This incarnation is the one which I the most knowledge about, but before this incarnation there is the third incarnation of the Doctor. It is this one I wish to write about.

Up until I am 14 or 15 years of age all Louisiana Public Broadcasting (LPB) will show are serial for Tom Baker’s Doctor, I really don’t know there are any more than him. As a result, I am surprised when they finally show Tome Baker regenerating into Peter Davidson. That of course tells me there is a Doctor before Tom Baker. At some point I remember seeing Robot. This, of course, is the first episode with Tom Baker as the Doctor. As with all other regeneration episodes, I believe it starts by showing Jon Pertwee’s last moments of his Doctor’s demise.

Then LPB takes the viewers back a little further. They did at times show some of William Hartnell’s serials and if I am right some of Patrick Troughton’s, but because of the missing episodes these were limited. This means I do not see War Games. This is the serial where the Time Lords punish the Doctor for his what they may call criminal acts, but it may have more to do with his messing with time. I am not sure about that.

The Time Lords put the Doctor on some sort of  trial and then at the end sentence him to spend time on Earth with the ability to travel through space and time. Then at the same time cause him to regenerate. So, in the serial Spearhead from Space the TARDIS materializes with the Doctor with a new face. The Time Lords have removed the dematerlization circuit from the TARDIS and ground the Doctor. Therefore, as part of his exile to Earth he becomes the scientific adviser for UNIT.

To me, this is the closing thing to the Doctor settling down as any of the others the article mentions. During the first three seasons as the Doctor, Jon Pertwee was grounded on earth. This in fact gives the Doctor the chance to settle down for good. Therefore, why doesn’t anyone really try to persuade him to this.

During this time he works closely with two different companions, Liz Shaw and Jo Grant. While grows close to them there is another character which plays an important part in the show. His is Brigadier Lethbridge Stewart.(1) They did not always see eye to eye on matters, but they did become the best of friends.

I really don’t think I want the Doctor to settle down and have a 9 to 5 job. Because if he does this, it would make him boring. I mean the seasons where this happens were good, because they always integrated aliens into the program. But the Doctor being grounded, keeps me the viewer from seeing many different planets and alien races the minds of the writers can make up.

Showrunner of Doctor Who, please do not let the Doctor settle down. You will take allot away from the show.


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