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Teases: Whittaker & Chibnall Tease Fans on Episode 1, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0


Fans of Doctor Who as the premiere of Season 11 nears the BBC is slowly leaking information about Season 11. According to this article by Huw Fullerton of Radio Times, Jodie Whittaker teases fans about some iconic dialogue in The Woman Who Fell to Earth. Now, Whovians are wondering what she means by this?

Fans, especially those of the classic series, have so much classic dialogue and new who dialogue it can be. Where did Chibnall go to get the iconic dialogue? What season and what Doctor? Maybe it is from a companion from the classic series.

What is interesting about all of this is that fans are going to see a different program, yet they don’t get away from the iconic classic Who.  Hey, classic fans will not have it any other way. New Who fans may not understand it, but hopefully, after seeing it they will.

Fans everywhere need to understand the iconic nature of Doctor Who lends to such dialogue. Everything can change such as not having any classic monsters for Season 11. That does not mean they won’t touch on something to remind fans of the past. The past is what makes Doctor Who great and can’t be left behind.

The past will influence every season in one way or another. This news is awesome. This news will lift the spirits of some fans knowing classic Who is not dead. Classic Who is not dead just because the BBC wants changes. Anyone who believes needs a reality check. The fact Big FInish is still writing plays for classic Doctors is proof enough classic Who is not dead. But now that fans find out the new season has iconic dialogue tells us Doctor Who changes, but the past is always present.

Fans at this point don’t know what the dialogue will be. Whittaker only teases the fans to build excitement for Season 11. Fans still have to wait until October 7th to find out what she has teased about, but hey it is not that far away.



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