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Teases: There May be Something Big Coming, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0


Do Doctor Who fans want a tease? There can be different reactions to such a tease, but the BBC teases fans anyway. Or at least that is what you can read in this article. There are many questions surrounding season 12, and the fans want answers. Some fans don’t like having to wait until 2020 for new episodes. Therefore when the BBC teases them, it may be a welcome sight.
Whovians are some of the most passionate fans, so anything new is good. They will like to see this, and maybe it gives them hope of what is to come. The long wait s makes it hard to get your fix. Yeah, you have all the old episodes, and they can give some relief, especially if it is a favorite.
Is it a good thing if the BBC teases fans? Well, the answer to that is in the eye of the beholder. You can say it all depends on the person and how the BBC teases the fans. Hey, at this moment most will enjoy whatever the BBC has to offer them. When you think about the wait time, this is a big deal.
Now, is what fans will see going to be worthy? Who knows? The answer to that will come after the tease airs. What kind of tease do fans want? Only the fans can answer that question. They will want something which gives a good idea of what is coming in Season 12. There is one thing we know, and that is that the Judoon are returning.
So, should fans be excited about the tease? Why not? It has been eleven months since the New Years’ special. So, anything new at this point is welcome. Fans are ready for Season 12, and many feel it the time between New Years’ day and now is too long.
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