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Class Begins -All the Talk About Class and it is FInally here, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Alright, there has been talk about this new Doctor Who spin off. Therefore, I am completely ready for the first episode. Well, I probably will not be able to see it because I live in the US and it will air on the BBC. But that really does not matter. Class begins with a double feature.

What I am getting at is the fact that long wait is over for at least some Doctor Who fans. I know there has been other spin offs. The first one was K9 and friends and it never say the screen except for the pilot. Then there is the Sara Jane Adventures which stayed on until the until death of Elisabeth Sladen. Of course she is the only one who can play Sarah Jane Smith. The last spin off before Class is Torchwood and I rather liked it.

The latter two spin offs  had small runs and were good programs. I personally love science fiction and Doctor Who, as a result I will most likely love Class. The great thing about Class being is that we will see the Doctor from time time at Coal Hill school. He will be like the resident advisor for all weird and going on.

THis is great and really shows the popularity of Doctor Who. I do believe that other Doctor Who fans are set and ready for Class to begin. Class begins this Monday I have read and I wish I could see it but that is not possible. Maybe I will be able to as soon as gets to BBC America. How long that will be I don’t know, but not soon enough. For me it is great even though I cannot see it until later. It will just make it that much more enjoyable.

I hope all Doctor Who fans get their chance to watch this new spin off of Doctor Who. I know I will be looking for it so I can see it. Let all try to find it and watch the new adventures from the Cal Hill School


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