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Squelchy: Season 11 Will be Dark, Funny, and Crushing, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0


Doctor Who fans are waiting for Season 11 to air, but there doesn’t seem to be much new news about it. Well, in the article from Metro, Adam Starkey description includes the adjective squelchy. So, some fans may wonder what he is talking about after all.

If you don’t know what squelch means, well there are three or for good ones. Squelchy is the adjective form of squelch. What is talking about? Is the Doctor and his companions slopping through mud or are they crushing enemies? See that is the noise a sponge makes when you squeeze it. Wow, now I know you are as confused as I am.

I don’t know that being dark will be good for this new Doctor. She seems to be more of a person who will light up a room and not make it dark. I have word that she can be funny. Now that is always good for Doctor Who. The places where their comedy is some of the best parts of the stories.

Well, we are in a hurry up and wait mode as we look forward to the airing of Season 11. Everything we read is positive and I hope the reviews so far are correct. Being dark at times can work because it has in the past, but funny is what makes things great at times. Now, the Doctor has always been squelchy if you think about it. He may not do it as fast as we may want, but in the end, he crushes his foes.

What do I think he means? I think the Doctor will be crushing, but then from some of the pictures, it appears to be some walking in the mud. With that said, Season 11 very well can be squelchy in more than one way. So, let it come whatever they mean by squelchy, I am ready for it.



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