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Smile: Jody Whittaker Says She Smiles Every Day, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0


After finding this article by Ben Allen of the Radio Times, I have no doubt Jodie Whittaker goes to work with a smile on her face. Does this surprise me? Well, not at all, because Doctor Who is the best show on television and I believe I would do the same.

As a fan, I certainly hope the actor or actress playing the Doctor is happy playing the Doctor. To me, it is like when you or I go to work. If we love our job and what we do we will go to work with a smile every day. It is a good thing to hear that Whittaker loves her job and smiles going to work. What that means to Whovians is she will give her best every day she is working.

Does this mean we are going to get some great shows with her as the Doctor? I most certainly hope so. I don’t want someone not having fun then, in the end, the shows suck because the actor or actress did do their best. Now, I know sometimes it is not the person playing the Doctors fault for an episode to suck. We all must realize a great show has many different pieces. Therefore, to have a great show, all parts must work together.

The fact Whittaker goes to work with a smile gives me hope Season 11 is going to be good. But as a fan, I also know that everyone else must give their best for the season to be good or even great. My hope is all the actors, actress, directors, producers and anyone else working on the show have the same attitude. It is one thing for one person to enjoy their job on a show. But when everyone else is just as happy and smiling as they go to work, who knows how good the show will be.

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