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Shift: Let’s Get a Shift on the Catchphrase, pub-ca-pub-6067120031842370, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0


During the second episode of Season 11, the Thirteenth Doctor uses the phrase “Let’s get a shift on.” The fans of the show shouldn’t have much trouble understanding what she means. What is good maybe even great is that it is new.

If you research whether they all have phrases or word to remember them, not everyone has a catchphrase per say, but several do have phrase fans remember. So, maybe, the Thirteenth Doctor has a catchphrase. Then if she does, many fans will most likely find it cool? Well, it is something as a fan you do not expect to hear.

Now, Whittaker’s Doctor is not the first to have a catchphrase. Fans may think every Doctor has a catchphrase, but when you research it not all do. In recent years, fans most definitely remember the Ninth Doctor, Tenth Doctor, Eleventh Doctor, and Tweflth Doctor having a catchphrase or catchphrases. These phrases seem to come when you least expect it.

Okay, the Thirteenth Doctor’s catchphrase seems to be “Let’s get a shift on.” Do any of you remember some others?  There are those from the revived series, which fans remember the best. Like “fantastic” from the Ninth Doctor or “I’m Sorry. I’m so sorry.” or “Alloyns-y” from the Tenth Doctor. Then, of course, everyone remembers “Fezzes/bowties are cool.” and “Geronimo” from the Eleventh Doctor. And you can’t forget the twelfth Doctor and his “shut up, shutity up.”

Now, the classic series did have some as well, but not every Doctor made a rememberable phrase. But there were four as a fan you may recall. The First Doctor seemed to rub his lapel and say “hmmm, hmmm, hmmm.” The Second Doctor used “When I say run.” Probably the most remembered came from the Fourth Doctor, “Care for a jelly baby?” And last but not least the Eighth Doctor ask the question “Who am I?”(1)

So, catchphrases are a valuable part of Doctor Who. They help fans remember the Doctor and his/her personality. When fans hear the phrase, they know which Doctor it is without seeing the face. Hey, catchphrases are good for Doctor Who, and we now have a new for the Thirteenth Doctor. So, “let’s get our shift on.”










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